The Volunteer Combatant's Medal 1914-1918
Awarded to Belgian or foreign civilians who volunteered to serve with the Belgian armed forces and did actually, during the World War, serve with a combat unit in a danger zone for a minimum of 6 months.
This bronze medal was instituted on 17 June 1930. A number of regulations extended the field of recipients : volunteers older than 40 years had to serve only 3 months while those over 50 became eligible after one month's combat service. Medical staff could obtain the medal after serving two years in non-occupied Belgium and further regulations governed the award to e.g. youngsters having fled occupied Belgium, the award in case of wounds, posthumous awards, etc.
Variation 1 : close up of the front
classification : B008-01 VOLONTARIIS with a "O"
Variation 1 : close up of the back
classification : B008-01
Variation 1 : special features
classification : B008-01 differend flower
Variation 2 : close up of the front
classification : B008-02 volontariis with a "o"
Variation 2 : close up of the back
classification : B008-02
Variation 2: special features
classification B008-02 differend flower
Variation 3: full size medal
classification B008-03 small medal blanco reverse no flower at ring attachment
Variation 3 : close up of the front
classification B008-03
Variation 3 : close up of the back
classification B008-03
Variation 4 : close up of the front
classification B008-04 voluntariis with a "u"
Variation 4 : close up of the back
classification B008-04
Variation 4 : special features
classification B008-04 long stripe between 1914 and 1918
Variation 5 : close up of the front
classification B008-05 voluntraiis with a "u"
Variation 5 : close up of the back
classification B008-05
Variation 5 : special features
classification B008-05 small STRIPE BETWEEN 1914 AND 1918 differend flower looks like a "O" made into a "U" maybe they changed the stamp ?
Variation 6 : close up of the front
classification B008-06 voluntariis with a "u"
Variation 6 : close up of the back
classification B008-06
Variation 6 : special features
classification B008-06 small STRIPE BETWEEN 1914 AND 1918 differend flower
Variation 7 : close up of the front
classification B008-07 voluntariis with a "u"
Variation 7 : close up of the back
classification B008-07
Variation 7 : special features
classification B008-07 I shaped STRIPE BETWEEN 1914 AND 1918